Pro-Turkey Militias Abduct Two Young Men in Afrin, Extort Families

afrinpost – Exclusive

Militias associated with Turkey’s SNA have turned to coercing civilians, including indigenous Kurdish inhabitants and IDPs, within the regions under Ankara’s control. Employing tactics such as abduction, torture, and threats of property seizure and personal harm, they aim to extract monetary gains through extortion.

Within this framework, militants linked to the “Ahrar al-Sharqiya” militia operating in the Jindires sub-district abducted the young displaced person “Mohammed Mazen Al-Mohammed” on August 19th. Originating from the city of Maarat Misrin in the Idlib countryside, the abduction is believed to be a bid to extract a monetary ransom from his family.

As per our correspondent, the militants moved the youth from Afrin to the “Ahrar al-Sharqiya” militia leader’s HQ, headed by “Nu’man Saloum Al-Matar,” near Jindires. They tortured him, sent his family a picture, and demanded a $5,000 USD ransom for his release.

On August 17th, in Afrin, militants from the ‘Sultan Murad’ militia abducted a 20-year-old man, Mohammed Mazen Mohammed, originally from Idlib.

afrinpost” documented on August 17th the arrest and abduction of three civilian young men at checkpoints manned by the military police militia in Afrin and the al-Jabha al-Shamiya militia in Azaz. Their relatives were required to pay a financial ransom for their release.

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