IDP’s Grocery Store in Afrin Used for Drug Trafficking, Revealing Corruption

Afrin Post – Exclusive

Local sources reported that an IDP is using a grocery store in the Al-Ashrafiya neighborhood as a front for drug trafficking (hashish and narcotics) in the occupied city of Afrin.

The IDP, named “Mohammed Omar Abu Omar,” originally from Aleppo, took over a store near the industrial area at the Termanini quarry and opened it for selling groceries. However, his main business is drug trafficking in the Al-Ashrafiya neighborhood.

The sources added that a patrol belonging to the military police militia raided the store on May 21st and arrested the individual known as “Abu Omar.” However, he paid a sum of two thousand dollars to the military police director, known as “Ahmed Kabso,” and was released immediately. This incident highlights the corruption within the management and its collusion with drug dealers and sellers.

On April 15, 2023, afrinpost had previously exposed in a report an IDP originating from the Damascus suburbs, who was promoting, consuming, and selling drugs in a store called “Gatoue Avin” specializes in pastries, located in the Al-Ashrafiya neighborhood of Afrin.

Every evening, IDPs and armed individuals, most of whom were former members of the “Jaysh al-Islam” militia, would gather in the store and hold gatherings for drug use and sales.

Drug trafficking has flourished in the occupied region of Afrin under Turkish control, as numerous incidents of murder occur within the militia’s headquarters, often influenced by drug use. Drugs are distributed and sold by leaders and armed individuals affiliated with the Anqara-backed “National Army” militias.

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