“Al-Waqqas” militia taking advantage of Covid-19-related curfew to practice more violations

afrinpost – Exclusive

In conjunction with the spread of the Corona epidemic in the occupied Afrin region, the Turkish-backed “National Army” militia seeks to exploit the Covid-19-related curfew imposed in occupied Afrin villages, to impose royalties on people in Jindirêsê sub-district.

Our correspondent reported that the pro-Ankara “Al-Waqqas” militia took advantage of the quarantine, to practice more violations in the villages it controls, namely (Ashkan Xerbî, Merwaniyê Jorin, Merwaniyê Jêrin, Hêkêçê, Aqelê).

Al-Waqqas Brigade militia imposed a curfew on the village of Ashkan Xerbî, with the aim of robbery and imposing royalties on people, ranging between 1000 and 1500 dollars on each family.

Taking advantage of the conditions of curfew, the militia’s armed men also stole properties of Kurdish citizens, especially electrical equipment and wires.

It is noteworthy that on April 5, the militia imposed a complete curfew on the village of Axcelê, after several cases of Coronavirus among people, closing all roads leading to it, including the dirt roads, and imposing royalties on the village’s families, ranging between 1,000 and 2,500 dollars on each family.

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