“al-Amshat” militia imposes 25 million SYP on Qarmitlaq village, to present a gift to its leader “Abu Amsha”


Militants of the “Sultan Suleiman the Shah” militia (al-Amshat) affiliated with the Turkish occupation and the Muslim Brotherhood organization, imposed exorbitant financial royalties on the people of the village of Qarmatlaq of Shieh / Sheikh Hadid district in order to present a gift to Muhammad Abu Jassim.

Local sources from Afrin region reported that the militants of the “Sultan Suleiman Shah” militia (Al-Amshat) imposed about ten days ago a new financial royalty on the remaining Kurdish citizens in the village of Qarmatlaq of Sheikh Al-Hadid district, amounting to 8 US dollars for each olive tree, regardless of whether it is fruitful or not.

According to the human rights organization Afrin – Syria, the new royalty comes after the end of the olive season, in which the exorbitant royalties were imposed on the season. As for the new royalty, it is in order to secure an amount of 25 million Syrian pounds to present a gift from the group leaders to Muhammad Jasim Abu Amsha, leader of the “al-Amshat” militia. .

The new royalty was the subject of public disapproval and grumbling. Militia gunmen kidnapped one of the complaining citizens, beat him, and forcibly stole a quantity of oil and some other property and released him after two days, and by that they wanted to deter all citizens from complaining and forcing them to pay the new royalty. .

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