HTS Takes Control of Ahrar Al-Sharqiya Headquarters in Jindires


A reporter of afrinpost has revealed that the “Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham” organization took control of most of the headquarters of the Turkish-affiliated “Jaish al-Sharqiya” and “Ahrar al-Sharqiya” militias in Jindires sub-district on Tuesday, after expelling them from their positions. The group also took over the military police headquarters, the local council, and the checkpoints of the military police militia in the town.

HTS members spread throughout Jindires city as locals mourned the four martyrs who were killed by “Ahrar al-Sharqiya” members for lighting the Newroz fire. Thousands of people from Afrin attended the funeral of the martyrs, holding banners against the “National Army” militias and chanting “Free Afrin! National Army out!”

According to the reporter, “Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham” took advantage of the public outrage against the Turkish-backed “Syrian National Army” militias and sent large military reinforcements to Jindires, claiming that they were protecting civilians from the militias. The HTS members have since been patrolling the streets of Jindires.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Defense in the interim Syrian government attempted to attend the funeral ceremonies of the martyrs in an effort to ease tensions with the local population.

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