Two Kurds arrested at Turkish-supported militia checkpoint, in Syria’s Afrin

afrinpost – Special

Members of the security checkpoint of the Turkish-supported “Political Security” militia at the eastern entrance to the city of Afrin (Al-Qaws Checkpoint) arrested, on Saturday, April 7, the Kurdish citizen “Aref Ibrahim Khalil, 33 years old, while he was returning from his workplace to the city of Afrin, and took him on the accusation of his brother joining the Syrian Democratic Forces.

“The young man “Aref” resides in the old neighborhood of Afrin, and works in a sawmill opposite the star cafe on the outskirts of Afrin – Aleppo road.” our sources said.

On the other hand, the security checkpoint of the Turkish-backed militias at the entrance to the occupied city of Azaz, “Al-Shat Checkpoint”, arrested on the first of this month the citizen “Muhammad Oso”, 58 years old, while he was driving IDPs from the city of Jenderes to Azaz by his car.

According to our sources, “the militia released the citizen “Oso” the next day after forcing him to pay a ransom of 1000 dollars, amid reports that the IDPs accompanying him participated in a ploy to trap him and blackmail him financially.”

“The citizen “Oso” is from the village of Kachereh – Mobata / Maabatli district, and he works in the agricultural office in (Jenderes City Council).” the sources added.

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