Al-Jabha Al-Shamiya backed IDPs stole electrical appliance store in Syria’s Afrin

afrinpost – Special

According to our reporter in the city of Afrin, ” IDP thieves robbed on Tuesday a store of electrical appliances in al-Ashrafieh neighborhood in the center of Afrin region in northern Syria, where about 20 photovoltaic panels and 6 inverters were stolen, and the value of stolen goods is $3,500.”

“The owner of the store called “Abbas Ali” submitted a request to the economic office of the “al-Jabha al-Shamiya” militia to check the surveillance cameras in order to detect the perpetrators, but the militia claimed that the cameras had been disabled since the Eid al-Fitr period.” the reporter added.

The Al-Ashrafieh neighborhood has become a hotbed for bandit groups led and backed by armed militias that share control of the neighborhood, the largest of which is the al-Jabha al-Shamiya militia along with Ahrar al-Sharqiya, al-Mu’tasim Brigade, Jaysh al-Islam and others.

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