The International Afrin Forum ended its work on Tuesday, by calling for the cancellation of the Adana Security Agreement, stopping settlement projects, as well as sending an international commission of inquiry to occupied Afrin to find out the crimes committed there by Turkey and its militias.
The dialogue forum was held on May 10, in the Barkhdan camp for the displaced of Afrin in the northern al-Shahba regions, under the auspices of the Syrian Democratic Council, the Afrin al-Shahba Center and the Afrin-Syria Human Rights Organization.
The conference was attended by 115 human rights and political figures from inside and outside Syria and came out with several recommendations and demands, including:
- Emphasizing that the Turkish military intervention in Syrian territory is a crime of aggression against the sovereignty of the Syrian state, which is a member of the United Nations, because it is not based on an international resolution or a Syrian national resolution that allows it to intervene and is a clear violation of the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations and the provisions of international humanitarian law.
- Calling on the Syrian government, through the national parties, to cancel the Adana Agreement between the Syrian state and the Turkish state because of its exploitation by the Turkish state and its taking as a pretext to justify its intervention in the Syrian territories and the further expansion of its occupation project under the pretext of protecting its national security.
- Stopping the settlement projects in all occupied areas, especially in the Afrin region, which the Turkish state supports through charitable and humanitarian organizations (Qatari – Kuwaiti – Palestinian… etc.), through which it seeks to bring about demographic change under the pretext of settling Syrian refugees.
- Working to end the Turkish occupation of the Syrian territories and ensure the return of the forcibly displaced to their homes under international auspices.
- Emphasizing that the crimes committed against civilians, especially women, in Afrin amount to genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, and work to expose them before the international community.
- Demanding the United Nations to send an international fact-finding committee to the occupied areas in northern Syria to investigate the crimes committed by the Turkish occupation state and the factions affiliated with it, and to hold it responsible for those practices and violations committed by those factions.
- Demanding the United Nations and relevant international bodies to assume their legal and moral responsibilities towards hundreds of thousands of displaced people from Afrin, considering it a crime of forced displacement for the purpose of demographic change and a crime of ethnic cleansing, a war crime according to the Rome Statute 1998, and referring its perpetrators to the International Criminal Court.
- Communicating with workers in the international humanitarian field, academics, researchers and activists to prepare files of violations committed in Afrin and submit them to European international courts, and to communicate with victims’ relatives in Europe and America.
- Communicating with the international media and work to expose the crimes committed by Turkey and the armed factions loyal to it, and consider the Kurdish National Council in Syria (ENKS) an agent and accomplice to the occupation of Afrin.
- Presenting a memorandum to the Secretary-General of the United Nations in his capacity to convene a session of the UN Security Council in order to condemn the Turkish government according to the evidence, documents and reports issued by international and human rights organizations and official and non-governmental international bodies, which proved the Turkish government’s involvement in supporting and financing terrorist activities in the Syrian areas occupied by it.
- Considering March 18 as the International Day of Genocide in Afrin and considering the Turkish state an occupied country.
- Forming a local and international committee to follow up on the recommendations and decisions issued by the forum and to prepare for holding subsequent forums and forums in this regard.