Turkish occupation sets up a refugee camp near the new Afrin Bridge

Afrinpost – Special

With the arrival of large numbers of people coming from Idlib to Afrin, the Turkish occupation and its armed forces seek to push them to settle in Afrin, to increase the harassment of the Kurdish indigenous population, in order to push them to the forced displacement that takes place in full view of the world, without expressing any condemnation or working on the time of truly racist policies The Kurds in Afrin, which turned them into a minority on their land.

In this context, the correspondent of “Afrinpost” said that the Turkish occupation and its gunmen are currently aware of the settlement of agricultural lands between the new Afrin Bridge and the area of ​​al-Kursa, close to the well-known poultry farm (Madjana) in Afrin, in order to set up a new camp on the whole of that wide area in the center of Afrin.

The occupation plan to set up the camp in the center of Afrin comes as a result of the continuation of the convoys leaving the areas of clashes in the Idlib governorate to the occupied Kurdish region of Afrin, on the impact of the violent battles taking place between the Russian and regime forces on the one hand and the Islamic militias of the Turkish occupation and the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Nusra Front on the other.

The establishment of the last camp increases the fears of the Kurdish indigenous people from the violations that they may be exposed to or their property be exposed to, as settlers are known for their lack of respect for the sanctities of public or private property, as they graze their livestock among olive trees and various fields in the areas where they reside, in addition to their Theft and looting of crops, private property, and public utilities.

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