Afrin Post-Special
The Islamic militias of the Turkish occupation, known as ” the Free Army, the National Army” continue to clamp down on whom remains of the indigenous population of the Kurdish region of Afrin, trying to impose their extremist laws and undermine the cultural identity of the region.
In this context, the correspondent of “Afrin Post” in the district of Jenderes said that the militants of “Ahrar al-Sharqiyya” Islamic militia dispersed a wedding ceremony for the family of “Ghannam” of the Arab component, while it was taking place in the “Alhai Altahtany ” street in Jendiris.
The correspondent confirmed that the gunmen dispersed the wedding half an hour after it began, claiming it was attended by men and women and not separated from each other .
The correspondent added that the family of “Ghannam” was forced to cancel the ceremony after the intervention of the extremist militants and their trying to separate women and men.
It is known that all weddings in the occupied Kurdish province of Afrin, were previously held, mixed (men and women)in specially equipped halls, but with the occupation of the province and the displacement of more than 75% of the population, the militants worked to spread sectarian and religious extremism.
The Turkish occupation encourages the dissemination of extremist and jihadist ideas, as part of its efforts to dissolve the Kurds or force them to forcibly displace under the threat of kidnapping and torture, in return for financial ransoms obtained by the militants.
The Turkish occupation has allocated 200 Turkish liras to each gunman as a monthly salary, a small amount, where the remaining residents of the Kurdish province of Afrin confirmed that this is a green light for the militants to carry out looting, as a result of insufficient salaries.
Residents say that the Turkish occupation agrees with the militants that everything on the surface of the simple possessions and livelihoods of the indigenous Kurds are at thier disposal , while the Turkish occupation takes the underground buried possessions, whether treasures , antiquities or other.