afrinpost In response to the Newroz massacre in the occupied city of Jindires, hundreds of residents of A ...
Hundreds of Afrin Residents Protest Against Newroz Massacre
Hundreds of Afrin Residents Protest Against Newroz Massacre
“Jaish al-Sharqiya” Attacks Kurdish Civilian in Jindires, Afrin
“Jaish al-Sharqiya” Attacks Kurdish Civilian in Jindires, Afrin
HTS Takes Control of Ahrar Al-Sharqiya Headquarters in Jindires
HTS Takes Control of Ahrar Al-Sharqiya Headquarters in Jindires
Jaish Al-Sharqiya Shoot Four Kurds Dead for Setting Newroz Fire in Jindires
Jaish Al-Sharqiya Shoot Four Kurds Dead for Setting Newroz Fire in Jindires
Hamzat Militia Cuts Down Olive Trees for Profit in Faqira village
Hamzat Militia Cuts Down Olive Trees for Profit in Faqira village
Faylaq Al-Majd Abducts and Tortures Two Kurdish Men in Syria’s Afrin
Faylaq Al-Majd Abducts and Tortures Two Kurdish Men in Syria’s Afrin
118 Organizations Call for International Action to Stop Human Rights Violations in Afrin and Syria
118 Organizations Call for International Action to Stop Human Rights Violations in Afrin and Syria
Tensions rise in Northern Syria as Turkish-backed forces mobilize
Tensions rise in Northern Syria as Turkish-backed forces mobilize
Al-Amshat Loots Electrical Poles and Trades Displaced Homes in Afrin
Al-Amshat Loots Electrical Poles and Trades Displaced Homes in Afrin
Prominent Afrin Zurna Player Arrested by Turkish Authorities in Istanbul
Prominent Afrin Zurna Player Arrested by Turkish Authorities in Istanbul