afrinpost - Special Gunmen from the pro-Turkey "Jaish al- Islam" militia kidnapped the citizen "Masoud Is ...
“Jaysh al-Islam” shoots and kidnaps Kurdish citizen, in Syria’s Afrin
“Jaysh al-Islam” shoots and kidnaps Kurdish citizen, in Syria’s Afrin
Kurdish family expelled from their home after being attacked and beaten by pro-Turkey “Jaish Al-Sharqiya”
Kurdish family expelled from their home after being attacked and beaten by pro-Turkey “Jaish Al-Sharqiya”
“Suqur Al-Shamal” cut down 80 olive trees in Bulbul, Afrin
“Suqur Al-Shamal” cut down 80 olive trees in Bulbul, Afrin
3 Kurdish citizens were kidnpped in Rajo and two others released in Jenderes
3 Kurdish citizens were kidnpped in Rajo and two others released in Jenderes
Turkish armored vehicle deliberately run over a Kurdish citizen in Rajo market, Afrin
Turkish armored vehicle deliberately run over a Kurdish citizen in Rajo market, Afrin
Kurd kidnapped and another expelled from his house by pro-Ankara militias, in Afrin countryside
Kurd kidnapped and another expelled from his house by pro-Ankara militias, in Afrin countryside
Serail building evacuated, merchant and IDPs fled towards Azaz, amid anticipation state in Afrin
Serail building evacuated, merchant and IDPs fled towards Azaz, amid anticipation state in Afrin
Turkish intelligence arrests three citizens in Jindires, Afrin
Turkish intelligence arrests three citizens in Jindires, Afrin
Military alert in Afrin, after ten killed in fierce clashes between “al-Jabha al-Shamiya” and “Ahrar al-Sham”
Military alert in Afrin, after ten killed in fierce clashes between “al-Jabha al-Shamiya” and “Ahrar al-Sham”
Pro-Turkey militias evacuate their camps in Afrin and Kafr Jannah
Pro-Turkey militias evacuate their camps in Afrin and Kafr Jannah