Militia Assaults Olive Grove Guards in Jindires for Allowing Theft


Our correspondent reported that on Friday, October 11, a group of armed men from the “Ahrar Al-Sham” militia violently assaulted two IDPs who were guarding an olive harvest belonging to a resident of Jindires sub-district. The two guards, from the Bani Ezz tribe, a branch of the Mawali tribe, were beaten for allowing a woman from the same tribe to steal olives from the grove.

The Ahrar Al-Sham militia also attacked the IDPs’ tents, claiming that the olive grove falls under their jurisdiction and that they are responsible for its protection.

It is worth noting that residents of Jindires and its villages have resorted this year to hiring guards from Turkish-backed militias to protect their crops from theft. However, this has increased financial burdens on farmers without fully achieving the intended goal of preventing theft.

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