Kurdish Man Dies from Injuries After Militia Shooting in Afrin


This morning, Jamal Ali Gulin, aged 26 and a father from the village of Dargir in Mobata/Ma’batli, lost his life at the Syrian Specialist Hospital in Afrin city, succumbing to severe injuries.

According to our correspondent, Jamal was critically injured by bullets that pierced his body while returning from work in Afrin city to his village on a motorcycle on the night of Wednesday, June 19. The shooting was carried out by a mobile armed checkpoint of the “Al-Hamzat Division” militia on the main road between the villages of Jwaiq and Dargir, northwest of Afrin city.

Accompanying him was Muhammad Walid Aliko, aged 22 from the same village, who is also severely injured and currently in intensive care at the hospital.

The correspondent added that on the morning of the crime, the “military police in Afrin” arrested the sole witness, Bakr Adnan Bakar, also from Dargir village. He was returning from work on another motorcycle, following the first one. Bakr was released after being threatened with death if he spoke about the details of the crime.

Additionally, a lockdown was imposed on the intensive care unit housing the injured to prevent photography and news reporting. The “Hamza Division” militia has also imposed a quasi-lockdown on the village, restricting entry without permission. The elements who fired the shots are hiding in the village, all to cover up the crime and stage a narrative absolving the perpetrators.

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