Clashes in Northern Aleppo Leave Syrian Regime Officer and Soldiers Wounded by Turkish Forces

afrinpost– Exclusive

An officer and several soldiers of the Syrian regime were injured today, June 13th, as a result of Turkish forces targeting Syrian regime positions in northern Aleppo.

In the details, our correspondent said that a Turkish unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) targeted a military checkpoint belonging to the Syrian army on the axis of Al-Biloniya village in northern Aleppo countryside. This resulted in the disabling of a tank and the injury of an officer and two soldiers from the Syrian regime army. They were subsequently transported to a field hospital in the town of Tal Rifaat, located in the northern countryside of Aleppo.

Additionally, Turkish forces targeted another military checkpoint of the Syrian regime army in the vicinity of Aqiba village and the outskirts of Sughonakah village in the Shara sub-district of northern Aleppo countryside. There are reports indicating that a number of Syrian regime soldiers were injured in the attacks.

Yesterday, on June 12th, two members of the Talha bin Ubaid Allah Special Forces, affiliated with the “Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham” organization, were killed in artillery and rocket attacks by the Syrian regime army on the organization’s positions along the Kfar Nuran Al-‘Asa’us axis in western Aleppo countryside.

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