Settlers working in the education with false certificates demanding modesty from primary school students!

Afrin Post-Special

Settler teachers are demanding that female students in primary schools in the province of Afrin to wear a headscarf and legal dress (a long black robe), sources in the occupied Afrin province said on Saturday.

The sources added that the settlers who work in the education corps are mostly working in the schools of Afrin under false certificates in Azaz, where there are specialized offices there forging various certificates byStudent’s with forged stamps matching the seals of the Syrian regime.

She added that these settlers tell Kurdish students in elementary grades, such as grades 5 and 6 (girls aged 11 and 12), that they have grown up, and that they have to wear legitimate dress and “modesty” as they put it.

Kurdish media sources said that a large number of the people of Afrin refrain from sending their children to schools, for fear of hatred and racism among the settlers and their children, who do not stop insulting and insulting the Kurds continuously, as a result of hatred by the Turkish occupation and extremist organizations affiliated with it, the Muslim Brotherhood.

The latest measure complements the Kurdish identity change of Afrin to another similar to the Brotherhood’s extremist identity. At the end of September, the Directorate of Education in the local occupation council of the Turkish occupation distributed a questionnaire to settlers with students under the name of “Student’s family wish to teach child the Kurdish language or not, “in order to choose the settlers to study the Kurdish language or not.

This questionnaire was aimed at abolishing the Kurdish language from schools in Afrin province, in line with the policy of demographic change that has continued since the Turkish occupation of the region in March 2018, where the local occupation council seeks to abolish the Kurdish language from the curriculum and only in Arabic and Turkish as official languages, in addition to English.

It should be noted that at the beginning of the current academic year, the local occupation council in the district of Jendiris had dismissed 24 teachers because they did not have degrees and appointed other settlers instead.

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