Al-Sharkia militia creates new blackmail methods leaded by Women

AFRINPOST- Exclusive

The correspondent of


said that Islamist militias continue to try to devise methods that will enable them to extort money from Malian citizens, which has recently been manifested in the use of women in financial extortion operations on jewelry shops.

“Gunmen from the Ahrar Al-Sharkia militia on Monday (February 11th) blackmailed a goldsmith in a pre-prepared plan”, said the correspondent.

The militants ‘ plan is based on the entry of a number of women into the jewelry shop, and then start shouting, and once the armed escorts have intervened, they accuse the owner of sexual harassment! They ask the owner of the shop for substantial sums of money for the cessation of their goods.


reporter also added that a similar operation recently took place with the owner of the jewelry shop “Suleiman” in Rajo/Reco street in the center of Afrin/Rojava.

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