Militias Sell Seized Properties to IDPs in Afrin


Our correspondent reported that, two days ago, armed members of the “Abu Walid” faction, part of the “Al-Mu’tasim Division” militia, sold a seized home in Afrin’s Al-Ashrafieh neighborhood for $3,000 to an IDP from Homs. The property belongs to Hanan Osman, a local from the village of Jwaiq, and is located Al-Feel Street. The transaction was conducted as if the militia held ownership of the property, and the Kurdish tenant was forcibly removed before the sale.

In a similar incident, another armed member of the “Ahrar al-Sharqiya” militia, identified as Mohammad Al-Zarzoor, sold a store near the fuel station in Afrin’s Al-Mahmoudiya neighborhood. The store, which belongs to forcibly displaced owner Mohammad Hanan, currently residing in Fafin village in northern Aleppo, was sold to an IDP from Eastern Ghouta for $900. This sale, like the first, was conducted as if the militia were the legitimate owner of the property.

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