Our correspondent reports that, on Friday, armed members of the “Joint Forces” (comprising Amshat and Hamzat militias) cut down 35 olive trees in a field east of Al-Ashrafieh neighborhood in Afrin city. The trees belonged to Mohammad Amo, a resident of Taranda village south of Afrin. Before felling the trees for firewood, the militias had already harvested the olives from them.
In a related incident, an armed member of the “Ahrar al-Sham” militia forcibly evicted a Kurdish tenant from a house in Afrin city owned by Ali Khelo, a resident of Baadina town. The militia member claimed the eviction was due to the homeowner’s alleged affiliation with the Democratic Union Party (PYD) and subsequently took control of the property.
These incidents reflect ongoing property seizures and violations against local residents, as militias continue to assert dominance in the Afrin region.