Young Man Killed by Stray Bullet in Afrin Amid IDPs Dispute


Mustafa Nouri Al-Nasser, a young man in his twenties from the village of Ister in occupied Afrin, was tragically killed on the evening of Tuesday, September 25, after being struck by a stray bullet that pierced his heart while he was in his car dealership office.

The incident occurred during a violent altercation between a group of IDPs near a weapons shop on the Vellat Street highway in central Afrin. An IDP, originating from the village of Bastron in western Aleppo, fired shots during the dispute. One of the bullets struck Mustafa, who was approximately 50 meters away from the scene, killing him instantly.

The shooter later turned himself in to the “Military Police” militia in the city. It is worth noting that Mustafa had been deported by Turkish authorities about four months ago.

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