The Turkish-backed “Hamzat Division” militia, led by the so-called Saif Abu Bakr, continues to confiscate the agricultural lands of the people of the villages and towns under its control, in order to impose more taxes on the seasons of the remaining Kurds and seize more lands and fields, especially olives, after canceling the power of attorney of those who manage the properties of the displaced Kurds.
According to our correspondent, the so-called “Muhammad Atriya – from Maarat al-Hurmah/Idlib Governorate” informed the security and economic official of the Hamzat in the village of “Moska” in the Rajo sub-district, the following Kurdish citizens “Khalil Abu Imad, Fatima Umm Ali, Zainab Ibrahim Hamid Bilal, Khadija Rasho Izzat Ali, Laila bint Luqman, Amina Rasho, Nazmi Rashid, Khadija, wife of Anwar Qader, Zainab Othman, Zainab Bakr, Anwar Othman, Umm Othman Muhammad Nouri Othman, Saifin Khaled, Ali Murad, Suli Omar Abdo, wife of the late Abu Farid, Habash Bakr, Omar Hussein, Othman Muhammad Hussein, Othman, relative of Fatima Umm Ali, Muhammad Kaman relative of Fatima, Amal, wife of Othman Hanan, Shukri Kursido, Muslim Muslim” from the residents of the neighboring villages of “Darwish and Moska” who are present in the area, to visit him and present original ownership documents issued by the institutions of the Syrian regime, despite the difficulty of obtaining them, otherwise their properties will be seized.
In this regard, Al-Hamza militia seized the properties of some of the above-mentioned individuals until the documents are brought, and re-seized the properties of returning citizens during the past year and a half, despite them paying financial fees in exchange for their restoration, and also imposed a 50% fee on the seasons of the displaced people’s properties and between 5-10% on the production of the property of those present during the past six years.