Turkish Intelligence and Militia Forces Detain and Extort Kurdish Citizens in Afrin

afrinpost – Exclusive

On July 10th, Turkish intelligence forces, accompanied by the “Civil Police” militia in Jindires, arrested 33-year-old Fahmi Abdo Sido, a resident of the village of Miska Tahtani in the Jindires sub-district.

Sido was accused of having ties with the former Autonomous Administration, a charge widely believed to be fabricated.

According to our correspondent, Sido, who has been running a successful motorcycle and spare parts business in Jindires’ industrial area. Since the occupation of Afrin in 2018, he became a target for the Turkish-backed militias because his shop was outperforming those of the IDPs in the same trade. To eliminate competition, the IDPs fabricated charges against Sido and reported him, leading to his arrest.

In a separate incident, the “Ahrar al-Sham” militia released three Kurdish detainees (Rezan Muhammad from Jindires, Muhammad Bakr from the village of Yalanquz in Jindires, and Ahmad Muhammad from the village of Hasandera on July 9th. The detainees were freed after paying a ransom of $1000 each. They were initially arrested during clashes between Ahrar al-Sham and an armed group from the town of Hayan in northern rural Aleppo in Afrin’s industrial area on June 30th.

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