Systematic Olive Tree Cutting by Syrian National Army Militias in Afrin


Our sources in Afrin have documented several instances of olive trees cutting by Syrian National Army militias, aimed at logging and trade. This activity is part of a widespread and ongoing campaign affecting various forests, olive groves, and fruit trees. Additionally, fires are being set in forests to cover up the logging operations and to facilitate the extraction of tree stumps from the ground.

According to the sources, the following incidents were recorded:

  • 60 olive trees belonging to the citizen “Abdo Khalil” in Bulbul town were cut down by gunmen from Hayan town in northern Aleppo on Friday, July 26.
  • 25 olive trees and 5 almond trees belonging to the citizen “Saeed Hussein” near the village of “Dumlya” in Rajo sub-district were cut down by gunmen from the Mawali tribe.
  • 15 olive trees belonging to the citizen “Mohammed Mahmoud Mahmoud” near the village of “Jwaiq” were cut down this morning.

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