IDPs Assault and Extort Kurdish Residents in Afrin


Our correspondent reports a troubling incident where “Mohammed Nouri,” a 50-year-old resident of the village “Avraz” in Mobato/Maabatli sub-district, was assaulted by armed IDPs.

The attackers, originating from the town of Zarbah in southern Aleppo countryside, beat Nouri with sticks and fired shots above his head. This violent encounter ensued after Nouri demanded the removal of their sheep from his olive field near Rajo Road. The IDPs further threatened Nouri with death should he lodge a complaint with any authority.

In another incident of extortion, an IDP from Qalamoun in the Damascus countryside coerced “Ahmed Ismail,” a resident of the village “Jolaqa” in Jindires sub-district, into paying a $1,500 bribe. This payment was demanded in exchange for vacating Ismail’s home, located near the arch at the eastern entrance of Afrin city. The IDP falsely claimed the fee was for home repairs, despite having sold all the furniture when he initially seized the property.

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