Extortion and Property Theft in Afrin by SNA Militias

afrinpost- exclusive

According to our correspondent, an IDP from western rural Aleppo is demanding $2000 from Mahmoud Khalil, from the village of Kubakeh in the Mobato/Ma’batli sub-district, to return his home located opposite the sports stadium in Afrin. The IDP, who is currently occupying Khalil’s home, claims to have purchased the property from the “Liwa’ Al-Shamal\ Northern Brigade” militia.

According to our sources, the “Northern Brigade” militia has sold over 30 shops and 35 residential apartments near the stadium to IDPs for significant amounts of money since seizing them in 2018.

In another incident, armed men from the “Damlakhi” group within the “Jaish Al-Nukhba” militia stole solar panels from the homes of citizens Mohamed Amir, Ismail Hassan, Khalil Mohamed, and Sheikh Mohamed in the town of Maidanki in the Sharan sub-district earlier this week.

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