Extortion and False Accusation Continue in Afrin

afrinpost – Exclusive

Our correspondent reports that approximately one month ago, the “Military Police in Afrin” militia arrested Muhammad Ahmad, 38, from Dargir village in the Mobato/Ma’batli sub-district.

The arrest took place at his fish shop located on Jindires Street in Afrin city. Ahmad was released after being held for two days, following the payment of an $8,000 ransom by his family.

The correspondent explained that an individual had left a sealed carton in Ahmad’s shop, claiming it was to be kept as a temporary safe-keeping for an hour. Shortly afterward, a patrol from the “Military Police,” led by a figure known as Abu Ali al-Kurdi, raided the shop. Upon opening the carton, they discovered narcotic pills and hashish, leading to Ahmad’s arrest. During his detention, Ahmad was subjected to severe torture under a fabricated charge, orchestrated through a premeditated plan between the individual who left the carton and the “Military Police,” aiming to extort money from Ahmad, known for his affluent status.

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