Two brothers from Afrin Arrested in Turkish-Controlled Jarablus


Our correspondent in Jarablus city, in northern Syria, reported that the Turkish forces there, arrested the two Kurdish brothers “Muhammed Zamchi Murad, 35 years old” and “Fa’eq Murad, 33 years old. The brothers are from the village of Kafrsafra in Afrin, and the reason behind the arrest was not declared.

On the circumstances of their arrest, the correspondent said that “Fa’eq” headed to Jarablus city to bring his displaced brother “Muhammed”, who has been displaced to Aleppo since the occupation of Afrin in 2018. ” Fa’eq” had extracted an approval from the “Military Police in Afrin” for his brother to come back the city. Nevertheless, the two brothers were arrested despite carrying the approval document with them.

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