Turkish-backed Militias Conduct Arrests and Extortions in Afrin

afrinpost – Exclusive

Our correspondent reports that on Friday, June 7, the “Hamzat Division” militia arrested Taher Mohammed Shukri, 54, from Dargir village in the Mobato/Maabatli sub-district, while he was returning from the village to Afrin city. The arrest took place on the Mahmudiyah neighborhood – gas station road. Shukri had returned to the village from Aleppo two months ago and was extorted for $4,000 by the Hamzat Division.

Additionally, Turkish intelligence and the Rajo militia police arrested several residents of Sheikh Mohammedli (Meydana) village in Rajo sub-district, including:

  • Aref Rashid, 70
  • Omar Rashid
  • Salah Ali, 43
  • Ezzat Ismail Bilal, 58
  • Mohammed Mustafa Nasan, 45
  • Ismail Bilal, 37

They were accused of being members of a commune during the previous Autonomous Administration. Zaeem Hassan, 42, from the same village, was also arrested shortly after returning from Lebanon ten days ago. He was released after two days upon paying a $1,000 fine.

Furthermore, Turkish authorities released Mohammed Horo from Firerieh village in Jindires sub-district after detaining him for approximately ten days. Horo had to pay a total of $6,000 in fines, ransom, and bribes for his release.

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