Seized Property Sold and Ransomed Back in Afrin

afrinost – Exclusive

Our correspondent in Afrin reports that an IDP from Deir ez-Zor, affiliated with the Sultan Suleiman Shah Division (known as the al-Amshat), recently sold a house, which he had seized in 2018. The house, located near the water tank in the al-Ashrafieh neighborhood of Afrin city, was sold to another IDP from southern rural Aleppo for $2,600. The property originally belongs to Muhammad Barakat.

In another incident yesterday, Manan Rashid managed to reclaim his house located behind the stadium on the road to the Al-Itihad Al-Arab School in Afrin city. The house had been occupied since 2018. Rashid paid $2,500 to the current occupant, an from the Ghouta area of rural Damascus, who claimed to have bought it from the Sultan Murad Division.

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