Pro-Turkey Militias in Afrin Engaged in Systematic Extortion and Torture

afrinpost – Exclusive

It is well-known that Turkish intelligence directly oversees the “Military Police in Afrin,” led by Ahmed Jamal Kabso, originally from Tel Rifaat in northern Aleppo.

Kabso’s leadership has turned the Afrin Military Police branch prison into a hub of corruption and torture. Detainees are often held for days to months under the pretext of being “under investigation,” without being referred to the authorities’ courts. During this time, they are subjected to various forms of torture and inhumane treatment to extort large sums of money from their families.

According to our correspondent, a patrol of the “Military Police” raided a house in Al-Ashrafieh neighborhood of Afrin and arrested Salah Ali Abdo from Ramadiyah village in Jindires sub-district. He was detained for over six hours on a fabricated charge of previously belonging to the Autonomous Administration’s fighters. He was released after his family paid a $4,000 ransom and provided a mobile phone to one of the officers.

In another instance, Turkish authorities released Nazmi Hamo from Kafardaleh village, who resides in Jindires, after detaining him for 26 days. Hamo had to pay an $800 fine and an additional $2,500 in bribes for his release.

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