Militia Member Attacks Olive Oil Shop and Stabs Owner’s Brother in Rajo Market

afrinpost – Exclusive

According to our correspondent in Rajo, a man known as “Hajj Abu Hisham” attacked early this morning, Saturday, June 15, an olive oil trading shop in the main market of Rajo town.

The shop belongs to Amir Hussein Bilal from the village of Haj Khalil in the Rajo sub-district. The assailant smashed the front of the shop and then assaulted Amir’s brother, Azad Hussein Bilal, verbally abusing and stabbing him in the left forearm, causing a deep and long wound. The injured was initially taken to Rajo Hospital but had to be transferred to the military hospital in Afrin due to the severity of the injury.

The correspondent indicated that the attacker, hailing from the town of Adra in the Damascus countryside, is a member of the “Jaysh al-Islam” militia. The attack was carried out without any prior warning, direct cause, or previous conflict between the attacker and the victim. This incident took place in the crowded Rajo bazaar, which is held every Saturday, in full view of the “Military Police” and “Civil Police” patrols. These forces, despite their claimed role in protecting civilians and maintaining public order, did not intervene to stop the well-known perpetrator.

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