Militia Demands $300,000 for Return of Confiscated Land in Afrin

afrinpost – Exclusive

Our correspondent reports that after six years of seizing vast agricultural lands southwest of Afrin city and profiting from their crops or rentals, the so-called “Economics of the Jaish Al-Sharqiya” has recently demanded $300,000 from the heirs of the late Jihed from the village of Jelbur – Rubaria. This demand comes with the threat of selling the land under the pretext that its owners previously collaborated with the Autonomous Administration.

It is noteworthy that the militias “Ahrar al-Sharqiya” and “Jaysh al-Sharqiya,” allied under the “Liberation and Construction Movement,” have looted and seized thousands of homes, shops, and agricultural lands in Afrin city. Some groups withdrew from the city following clashes on June 3, 2024, with the “Hamzat Division” militia over a dispute involving the seizure of a land and commercial stalls.

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