Infighting Erupts Among SNA Militias in Afrin


Intense clashes erupted yesterday between two factions of the “Faylaq al-Sham” militia in the town of Meydan Akbas, located in the Rajo sub-district of occupied Afrin. The skirmish involved the groups led by “Abu Arab Hamwiya” and “Abu Tahoun,” resulting in four injuries, two of which are reported to be severe.

According to our correspondent, the confrontation began after reports surfaced that one of the faction leaders was planning to defect with approximately 45 fighters from the “Siddiq Battalion,” a subgroup of “Faylaq al-Sham.” The defecting leader intended to join the “Sultan Suleiman Shah Division” (al-Amshat) and sell control of smuggling routes to the new group.

“Abu Arab Hamwiya’s” faction successfully captured “Abu Tahoun” as he attempted to flee the town, seizing all his bases and handing him over to Faylaq al-Sham’s security forces.

In response, Faylaq al-Sham has deployed heavily at the entrances and around Meydan Akbas, as well as at strategic points in nearby villages such as “Kharab Salouk” and “Qarah Baba.” The militia also detained the head of “Kharab Salouk,” accusing him of embezzling from local harvests and properties without sharing the profits with the militia leadership.

The situation remains tense, with sporadic gunfire continuing as Faylaq al-Sham maintains a heightened state of alert.

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