Clash Over Water Distribution Leads to Shooting in Afrin


A dispute over water distribution in a camp for IDPs from southern Aleppo erupted into violence yesterday near the village of “Jumke,” northeast of Afrin city. The altercation escalated, leading to shots being fired into the air. A man from the village of Tal al-Daman was injured by a bullet in his leg.

In a separate incident, a member of the “Sultan Suleiman Shah Division” (al-Amshat) sold a home belonging to a local resident, Mohammed Bozo, from the village of “Gundi Mezin” west of Afrin. The house, located near the so-called “Al-Maslakh camp” in Al-Ashrafieh neighborhood, was sold for $2,000 to a fellow faction member, Ali Bania, despite the IDP not owning the property, but seizing it.

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