Militia Abducts IDP for Seized Property Dispute in Afrin


Today, on April 7, near the Bazaar Camp in the occupied city of Afrin, the militia of the “Al-Mouatasim Brigade” abducted an IDP from Idlib named Yusuf Kheder Yusuf, also known as Abu Tha’er (48 years old). The abduction was a result of his refusal to surrender a house he seizes, according to our reporter in the city.

afrinpost” has documented a total of 80 cases of arrest and abduction during March 2024, including 4 women. Among them were 15 cases involving citizens who had recently returned to the area, and 14 cases of arrest of elderly individuals aged between 60 and 85 years old. Additionally, 34 cases of release have been documented

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