Attempted attack on Kurdish real estate owner by Sultan Murad militia in Afrin


Yesterday, a member of the Turkish-backed Sultan Murad militia attempted to attack a Kurdish real estate owner for refusing to rent out an Arab house after learning of the militia’s intentions to seize it.

According to our reporter in the city,” Kurdish citizen Said Amin, owner of a real estate office in al-Mahmoudiya neighborhood of Afrin city, overheard IDPs – one of them armed with the Murad militia – agreeing to rent a house from him in an attempt to seize it.

One of them said to the other, while standing outside the office, “If the Kurd asks for a hundred dollars a month for rent, give it to him for the first month and then the house will be yours.” Amin overheard them and, as a result, refused to rent out the house, leading the armed member to attempt to attack him.

Almost daily, militants and IDPs loyal to them seize homes belonging to original Kurdish residents of Afrin. Just days ago, an armed member of the Sultan Murad militia, from a group led by “Abu Shafiq,” offered a house he seized in al-Zeidiyah neighborhood for sale for two thousand dollars.

Despite the fact that the son of the homeowner, citizen Mohammed Othman, from the village of Qatma, lives in Afrin city and has repeatedly demanded that he vacate the house, he refuses to do so.

Meanwhile, a member of the “Ahrar al-Sharqiya” militia has demanded two thousand dollars in exchange for vacating the house of citizen Mahmoud Khalil from the village of Hasan Dêra, near the Hanano school in al-Mahmoudiya neighborhood, claiming that he was maintaining it. The house was furnished at the time of its seizure in 2018.

In al-Ashrafiyah neighborhood near the Maysalon school, an IDP from the town of Rattyan sold the house of citizen Asad Horro from the village of Şêxorzê to another IDP from the town of Hayan for $1,700

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