Pro-Turkey Militias Sell Homes of Original Kurdish Residents in Afrin

afrinpost– Exclusive

In a recent development, local sources have reported the sale of five houses and a plot of land owned by the original Kurdish inhabitants of Afrin by armed groups affiliated with Turkish-backed militias and their relatives in the occupied city of Afrin.

One member of the military police militia named “Abu Asaad,” who hails from the town of Tal Rifaat, sold the house of a citizen named “Mohammed Nazmi” from the village of Khalilaka in the Bulbul sub-district. The house is located on al-Sarfis road in al-Ashrafieh neighborhood and was sold for a sum of one thousand dollars.

The same militia member also seized an empty plot of land and built a two-room house on it, which he then sold to a relative for 800 dollars. The plot belonged to a widow named “Samira Rashid” from the village of Rahmaniya in the Mobata sub-district.

Another militia member, “Mohammed Abu Ali al-Sufarani,” from the town of Retyan, sold the house of a citizen named “Akid Abdo” from the village of Matina in the Sharan sub-district. The house is located in al-Ashrafieh neighborhood and was sold for a sum of 1400 dollars. The house was previously occupied by a tenant from al-Ghouta who was then evicted by the Sufarani, who then divided it into two parts and sold them to two IDPs, brothers from the town of Nashabiyah in the Damascus countryside.

Furthermore, an IDP named “Jamal Jadaan Abu Mohammed” sold three houses located near the Maisalon School for a sum of 750 dollars each. The IDPs who bought the houses were from the town of Yabrud and the villages of Tadmur. The houses belonged to forcibly displaced citizens, “Abdo Shekho” from the village of Qatmah, “Elias Hamid” from the village of Qibareh, and “Abdul Rahman Mohammed” from the town of Shara.

Jamal Jadaan, the IDP who sold the houses, hails from the village of Um al-Qura in southern rural Aleppo and is around 35 years old. He works with the “Al-Hamza” militia and has left the house he sold, residing in one of the tents located near al-Ashrafieh neighborhood, known as the “Camp of Hope.”

This is yet another example of the ongoing displacement and dispossession of the original inhabitants of Afrin at the hands of Turkish forces and their affiliated militias and IDPs.

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