More than 200 trees were cut down in Mobata and Bulbul districts, Afrin

afrinpost – Exclusive

Our sources reported that 65 olive trees and 4 almond trees belonging to the citizen “Aziz Bakr” were cut down near the village of Hayama in Bulbulah district, while dozens of olive trees were cut down by IDPs living in a camp located near the town of Mobata, in Afrin.

Among the persons who lost trees from their fields located around the camp; the citizen Mustafa Khoja : 12 trees were cut down from his field, Ali Hassan: 40 trees, Muhammad Bilal: 25 trees, “Suleiman Bakr” :45 trees, and “Mohammed Maamo”: 10 trees,as well as 6 almond trees.

Yesterday, January 10, armed men affiliated to Turkey cut down 18 olive trees from a field located near Al-Tarfiq road, opposite the quarry of the village of Teranda, in the vicinity of the occupied city of Afrin.

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