Illegal selling of seized houses and robbing stores in Afrin

afrinpost – Exclusive

oUR SOURCES IN Afrin stated that yesterday, January 13, an IDP from Damascus / Ghouta named “Jihad Sarhan” sold a house he had seized for $2,000 to another IDP from Damascus.

The house is located near Dersim Hospital in Al-Vilat Street in the occupied city of Afrin, and is owned by the Kurdish citizen “Farhad Muhammad,” who is from the village of Kurzeleh, the sources added.

On the other hand, a grocery store was robbed, this morning, January 14, by unknown thieves. The store belongs to the citizen “Ali Omar” and is located on Aleppo road in Al-Ashrafieh neighborhood in the city of Afrin.

Also, an IDP child, from Al-Gouota, stole an amount of nine thousand dollars from the “Al-Anandani” money exchange store, located on Jinderes Road in Afrin, taking advantage of the owner standing outside the store.

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