afrinpost – Exclusive
Our reporter stated today, Wednesday 28.09.22, that the Turkish-backed “Al-Hamza / Al-Hamzat Division” militia imposed a royalty of 500 Turkish liras on the lands planted with fruit in the villages of Basuta, Burj Abdalo and Ain Dara in Afrin region, under the pretext of guarding them during the season.
While the so-called “Olive Branch Chamber of Agriculture” issued on Sunday, September 25, decisions 54 and 55, which include imposing royalties on olive presses and oil traders in the occupied region of Afrin, ranging between $250 and $800.
concurrently, armed militia members and families continue to log olive trees and steal the green olive with the beginning of the olive harvest season, under the eyes of the Turkish authorities, who ignore the complaints submitted by the affected people, in clear complicity in the theft and looting of the livelihoods of the original Kurdish residents of Afrin.