Pro-Turkey militias arrest four Kurds, in Syria’s Afrin

afrinpost – Special

According to our reporter, members of the Turkish-backed “Political Security” militia arrested, on May 27, the citizen “Nizar Muhammad” (27 years), from the town of Jindires at the western entrance to the city of Afrin.

Also, the checkpoint of the pro-Turkey (al-Jabhaal-Shamiya) militia at Kawa roundabout had kidnapped on May 28, the citizen “Korjin Ismail” (gorgîn), who works as a bicycle repairman on Teranda Road.

“The same checkpoint of (al-Jabhaal-Shamiya) had kidnapped the citizen “Kanjo Amin Ibo” (57 years), from the city of Afrin, as well as his brother-in-law the citizen “Ahmed Hassan Hassan” (47 years), from the village of Baedino – Rajo district, who has a cigarettes shop on Teranda Road, from their home in al-Ashrafieh neighborhood of Afrin, on the pretext of their involvement in bombings and planting explosive devices in Afrin.” The reporter added.

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