Pro-Turkey militants steal water pumping station and leave seven villages without water in Afrin

afrinpost – Exclusive

Seven villages in Mobata/Mabatli sub-district still suffer a lack of potable water, due to the theft of the contents of the water pumping station that feeds these villages, and selling them for scrap in the markets.

Our reporter stated from sources the reasons for the suspension of water pumping to seven villages in Mobata / Maabatli district of Afrin countryside, “Two armed men from the Turkish-backed “Sultan Murad and Al-Hamzah” militias stole the contents of the water pumping station, and sold them in the markets.”

The reporter pointed out that the theft took place a year ago, and was carried out by Abu Ibrahim a militant from “Sultan Murad” and Abu Nawaf another militant from “Al-Hamzah” militia. The station contained a huge electric generator to provide electricity and water pumping devices.

The villages depend on the station to be fed with potable water are (Ain Hajar Kabir – Ain Hajar Saghir – Kokaneh Fawqani – Kokaneh Tehtani- Omo – Dargire – and Jwaiq), and the people there are currently depending on wells to secure water.

The reporter quoted a resident of the aforementioned villages as saying: “Now the Turkish authorities and its militias are promoting that they will secure water, which means imposing new taxes on us, even though they themselves are the ones who destroyed the station.”

The reporter confirmed that the so-called “Abu Ibrahim and Abu Nawaf” were killed in two separate operations carried out by the Afrin Liberation Forces.

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