Pro-Turkey gunman threatens Kurdish woman with death for not selling him sumac

afrinpost – Exclusive

Our reporter stated that the gunman “Abu Mahmoud”, a leader of the Turkish-backed “Sultan Muhammad al-Fateh Brigade” militia, blocked the path of the Kurdish woman Fatima Zinki while she was with her brother Mustafa in the village of Maamla – Rajo sub-district, abused them and pointed his rifle at Fatima’s chest, threatening her with death, because she sold sumac crop in the town of Baadina, and did not sell it to the merchant specified by the militia in the village, according to the price that it also set.

The reporter added that the gunman threatened to kill Fatima, telling her: “I will kill you if you sell the crop to others.”

The Turkish-supported militias had recently circulated a general order to all the people in the villages of northern Jindires sub-district, from Aşka to the village of Çolaqa, preventing them from harvesting the sumac season, and anyone caught harvesting is subject to beatings and imprisonment. The order comes as a prelude to seizing the citizens’ crops, as they are spoils of war according to them.

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