Kurdish citizen kidnapped from Shekhutka village, due to his objection to the seizure of his property

afrinpost – Special

On Sunday 2/1/2021, the Turkish occupation militias kidnapped the Kurdish citizen, Haydar Bakr Sido, from his home in the village of Shekhutka-Mabata / Maabatli, due to his objection to the “Ahrar Al-Sharqiya” militia’s seizure of the fuel station belonging to him three years ago.

According to the afrinpost correspondent, “Ahrar al-Sharqiya” militia, in coordination with the “Jaish al-Nukhba ” militia that occupies the village, kidnapped him and drove him to an unknown destination.

“Haidar” had filed a complaint with the so-called “Rights Restoration Committee” to recover the fuel station located at Amara village junction from the “Ahrar Al Sharqiya” militia, but the militia responded by kidnapping him and his fate remains unknown.

It is noteworthy that the citizen Haydar Sido was the Mukhtar in his village, but his repeated objection to the injustices faced by the residents of his village, dismissed him by the occupation authorities, and then he was kidnapped by “Jaish al-Nukhbah” militia, which did not release him until after it obtained a ransom from him.

In the same context, the Turkish occupation authorities released two Kurdish youths during the current week, after a long journey of enforced disappearance that lasted for about three years. Who are both of “Jiwan Youssef,” who is from the village of Araba – Maabatli, and the young man, Samir Muhammad, from the village of Teslouriya – Jenderes.

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