After more than a month, reports about kidnapped Kurdish Yazidi woman losing her memory as a result of torture

afrinpost – Special

Most of the arrests and kidnappings that take place in the occupied Afrin region aim to obtain money and citizens are released within a few days. However, some cases of disappearance may go on to take additional dimensions and put more pressure on the people, and although all the charges are fabricated, only the most strange is a prolonged period detention of women and minors.

afrinpost learned that the Yazidi Kurdish citizen, Ghazala Mannan Salmo, was severely tortured after she was kidnapped from her home in Basufan village.

The militia is silent on the fate of “Ghazala”, who is still in the militia’s prison in the village of Iska, amid reports that she suffered a nervous breakdown and lost her memory as a result of the severe torture she was subjected to in prison.

The citizen Ghazala Mannan Salmo (45 years old) was kidnapped on 12/4/2020 by “Failaq al-Sham” militia, which imposed a suffocating siege on the village of Basufan and its neighboring villages, and then stormed it and kidnapped many of the people of those villages, due to the explosion of an explosive device in a car of a militia leader in the vicinity of Basufan village.

Meanwhile, the restrictions on the residents of Basufan and Ba’eh villages are still being imposed in Sherawa district, and those entering and leaving the villages are subjected to close inspection at militia checkpoints in the two villages.

The sources confirmed that the militia forced the released detainees (12 citizens from Basufan village – 15 citizens from the village of Ba’eh) to sign a pledge not to provide any information about the conditions of their detention and to claim that they were treated well by the gunmen during their arrest, knowing that everyone was beaten, tortured and insulted.

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