Afrin: More than 50 elderly Kurds die within one month due to Corona

Afrinpost – Special

An informed medical source told “Afrin post” that the Corona epidemic is killing the people of the occupied Afrin region, especially elderly among them, in light of the lack of confidence in the medical institutions run by the Turkish occupation authorities, in addition to the difficulties of movement between the countryside and the city as a result of the lack of security and the spread of banditry and crime in northern Syria.

The source indicated that the Corona epidemic spread among the residents of the villages of Ashouna and Zavinki, in the Bulbul district, and about 150 cases were recorded in the two villages, noting that the majority of the infected elderly died as a result of the disease.

The medical source added that more than fifty elderly men and women died in the district center and its countryside during the period between the end of November and the end of December 2020.

It is noteworthy that the Islamic militia gunmen committed horrific violations against the elderly of Afrin, insults, robbery, beatings and murder, such as the killing of the elderly Fatima Hamaki / in Hikje and Muhyiddin Oso and his wife / in Qatma and Aliki / Meydanki … and the list goes on.

The elderly make up the largest proportion that returned to their homes after the occupation of the region by the Turkish forces and the formations of the Muslim Brotherhood “National Army”, as the number of indigenous people in the center and its countryside is estimated at about 125 thousand people, most of them elderly, compared to about 550 thousand settlers who The Turkish occupation brought them from the Syrian conflict areas according to the Astana deals between Turkey, Russia and Iran.

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