Theft is widespread in occupied Afrin, carried out by settlers against Kurdish citizens

afrinpost – Special

Various incidents of theft occurred in the occupied city of Afrin in light of the security chaos and affect everything. The incidents occur at different times, and the people do not dare to intervene and confront the thieves, even if the theft occurred in their own place, as the thieves are armed, and what is taken as theft can be taken through armed looting and use of force.

In the context, the afrinpost reporter said that the house of citizen (Kh.H), located in the Al-Zaydiyah neighborhood, was robbed about a week ago (on Thursday 10/12/2020) by two unknown persons – most likely from al-Ghouta settlers – and a sum of money was stolen from the house. The amount of $ 100, all the family’s clothes and some household items.

The correspondent indicated that the family felt the thieves entering the house, but they did not dare to confront them and chase them, lest they be armed and be killed, and the daughter of the citizen (Kh) had sensed that people entered the house, but she remained in her bed and did not dare to come with any movement.

The reporter added: “The robbery incident affected the girl psychologically, and made her in a constant state of panic, as she is disturbed with the knock on the door, so she shivers with fear and run away crying.”

Incidents of robbery and armed robbery are frequent in Afrin in light of the security chaos and the absence of accountability. In al-Ashrafieh neighborhood, which is under the control of a group affiliated with “Jaish al-Islam/ Army of Islam” militia that openly carries out thefts, and the stolen items vary, including motorcycles, electrical equipment, and even cars.

The afrinpost correspondent reported that a group of “Jaish al-Islam/ Army of Islam” militia gunmen were constantly carrying out robbery acts in the city of Afrin without any party being held accountable.

On Thursday 12/17/2020, settlers carried out several robberies in the village of Teranda, near al-Ashrafieh neighborhood in the city of Afrin, including the theft of two motorcycles on Thirty Street on the Teranda road. Newly installed electricity meters were stolen, and in plain sight they steal electricity cables that the electricity company had extended to deliver electricity to homes.

The so-called Kawa Roundabout security branch of the “al-Shamiya Front” militia robbed the citizen Muhammad Ahmad, nicknamed “Abu Mahmoud” who is from Jenderes district, the sum of 300 US dollars, on the pretext that his name is marked as “accused” in the militia’s security files.

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