Registration in schools stopped in the occupied Afrin region … and an increase in Quran memorization centers

Afrinpost – Special

Weeks ago, the Turkish occupation authorities and the Muslim Brotherhood militias stopped registering in schools in the occupied Afrin region, and in return, Quran memorization centers and mosques are being opened frequently, while Kurdish families fear sending their children to schools because of their persecution by the militants.

The “Afrinpost” correspondent reported that the Turkish occupation and its militias have stopped registering students in all schools since the beginning of this month, and they have also prevented private schools, without explaining the reasons for this.

The correspondent indicated that some citizens – we don’t reveal their names for security reasons – went to register their children in schools, but the concerned authorities informed them that registration had stopped without specifying the time period, or whether the suspension was temporary for a specific period.

The correspondent added that Kurdish families are afraid to enroll their children in schools because of the armed militia’s pursuit of their children, as they pursue everyone who carries a school bag. There have been prosecutions, in which the question is made about the school in which the students study and the name of their teacher. A source confirmed to Afrinpost that kidnappings also occurred without giving further information about the nature, time and place of these incidents, and the target group.

Whereas, private schools were opened in Afrin secretly, without the knowledge of the Turkish occupation and its militias, according to the correspondent, and that the Kurdish people send their children to them in exchange for 50,000 per month.

In return for schools to stop registering students, religious education is activated and more mosques and Quran memorization centers are opened, with direct support from the Turkish occupation authorities, and the goal is to invest religious beliefs and the principles of Muslim Brotherhood to erase the cultural and national specificity of Afrin’s indigenous Kurdish people, while ignoring the reality of the occupation and the daily violations that it undertakes. Armed militia elements. What leads as a result to the legitimization of the occupation and demographic change in the name of religion, and Afrin turns into an incubator geography for extremist and militant ideology, at the expense of basic education curricula and school knowledge materials.

It is noteworthy that Afrin is witnessing many projects to build mosques and schools funded by the Muslim Brotherhood organizing associations in Turkey, Qatar, the Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait and Egypt, which deal with the reality of the occupation of Afrin region from a religious perspective, and ignore the cultural specificity of Afrin, its heritage and its Kurdish population, whether those who remain in it and live in the reality of suffering or forcibly displaced In the camps.

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