Liwa’ Al-Shamal militia cut down 170 olive trees in Bulbul

Afrinpost – Special

Afrinpost correspondent said that Liwa Al-Shamal militia affiliated with the Turkish occupation and the Muslim Brotherhood organization, cut down 120 olive trees belonging to the displaced citizen “Muhammad Habib”, from Qurneh village of Bulbul district.

The field is located below the village of Zaareh, and the firewood was sold to a store in Al-Ashrafieh neighborhood.

The same militia also cut down 50 olive trees belonging to the displaced Kurdish citizen “Mannan”, and the field is located in the town of Bulbul. After the militia gunmen cut down all the trees and sold them as firewood.

The armed men of the Turkish occupation militia, known as the “National Army”, cut trees and turn them into firewood, for the purpose of trade, especially the fields belonging to the displaced people of Afrin, so obtaining money is the goal, whatever the means is.

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