In Shiye .. Muslim Brotherhood blackmail turns a rich family into a poor!


The Afrinpost correspondent reported that the citizen “Saeed Kocher” from “Shiye / Sheikh Al-Hadid” district was arrested several times by the “Sultan Suleiman Shah Brigade” militia affiliated with the Turkish occupation and the Muslim Brotherhood organization, known as (Al-Amshat).

During his detention, the citizen “Saeed” was subjected to torture and violent beatings, which caused fractures and wounds until he was forced to undergo two disc operations, and his health condition is deteriorating and difficult.

According to the “Afrinpost” correspondent, the militants of the “Al-Amshat” tortured and beat his son, “Asad Kocher”, in front of his father’s eyes, without being able to defend and protect him.

The correspondent of “Afrinpost” confirmed that the family of citizen “Saeed Kocher” owned an olive press in the district, and they were considered one of the wealthy of the region, and owners of large funds and properties. However, as a result of the pressures and the payment of huge sums in exchange for ransoms to the Al-Amshat militia, their financial condition became difficult, and they were barely able to secure their daily sustenance.

The Turkish occupation militias, regardless of their names (the Syrian National Army – Military Police – Civil Police – Political Security and others) have been pursuing a policy of torture, arrest and kidnapping, and targeting the elderly in particular, since it occupied the Kurdish region in the midst of March 2018, in an effort to restrict what remained of the indigenous Kurdish population to leave their homes in favor of the settlers for the Turkish occupation.

Including, on the twenty-fourth of last August, the armed men of the “Brigade Al-Waqqas” militia stormed the house of a Kurdish elderly in the village of “Sinnari” in the area of ​​”Shiye / Sheikh Al-Hadid”, and brutally assaulted him, and robbed him of the money and household furniture he owned.

The reporter explained that the gunmen assaulted an elderly Kurdish citizen, “Abdullah Hussein Mustafa Agha,” which caused fractures in his limbs and he is still bedridden.

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